Luke Skywalker leads a mission to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of Jabba the Hutt, while the Emperor seeks to destroy the Rebellion once and for all with a second dreaded Death Star.
Released: 1983-05-25
Runtime: 135 minutes
Genre: Action, Adventure
Stars: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Ian McDiarmid, Frank Oz, James Earl Jones, David Prowse, Alec Guinness, Kenneth Colley, Denis Lawson, Dermot Crowley, Caroline Blakiston, Warwick Davis, Jeremy Bulloch, Femi Taylor, Annie Arbogast, Claire Davenport, Jack Purvis, Mike Edmonds, Jane Busby
Director: Richard Marquand
Honesticedragon69 - 20 June 2024 From A Certain Point Of View........ The Cons= Fair Warning I'm Not Only Going to be making Soft Reviews for the Other Two Films in this Trilogy. But I'm Also Going to Be Making Enemies Out Of Everyone And Their Grandmothers in This Galaxy or a Galaxy Far, Far Away, But More on that Later. And Yes I'm a Star Trek Fan But My Opinions Has Nothing to do with me being A Star Trek Fan just to be Clear. So I Suggest Before You Start Force Chocking Me To Death Please Hearing Me Out First. To Start us off I Agree with Corey Harrison of Pawn Stars Fame when he Made the Statement that Star Wars was Made For Kids, in the Special Star Wars Compilation Episode. Before I go in to my Next Statement I would like to say I'm sure that the Dead Actress Carrie Fisher is a Fine Actress, but sadly I haven't seen her in anything else. But her as Princess Leia, I just Personally Found Her to be this Bratty Spoilt Little Princess with a Really Botchy Attitude. And as for her Feelings for Han I'm I just don't buy how she could go from "Scruffy Looking Nerve Hurter" to "I Know" which of course is Star Wars way of saying "I Love You" in one Film. And Not Only that I just Personally Don't See the Evolution of their Relationship to that. And it's he same in this film where they just Simply Kiss at the End Especially when Han Mistakenly thought that Princess Leia Choose Luke Skywalker over him not knowing at the time that they are Siblings, in the same scene.
Moving on to Luke Skywalker I just Found Him so Whinny at Times. Especially in the scene In A New Hope where he wanted to Join his Friends to Botchy Station to Pick Up a Power Converter or something. And as for C3PO I just Found him to be Not Only Really Annoying and Whinny but also a Fem Droid if you get my meaning? I mean Seriously I would Rather Team Up with Data on an Dangerous Mission. As I've said Nothing to do with me Being a Star Trek Fan as Feel that Data is Not Only More Helpful in everyway Possible, but also Unlike C3PO, Data is Fearless and Plus Data has Ambitions to be More Human. Speaking of C3PO I'm Sorry I just Don't Him Some How Resembling a Deity for the Teddy Race Called the Ewoks. And Speaking of How does he know their Teddy Bear Language? Since it seems he's Never Been there to be nor has Heard them Speak Up Until his Friends was Captured as Food. And Also it looks like The Stormtroopers where the only ones to visit that Teddy Beard Planet.
And the Reason that they All got Caught was Because of Chewbacca and that's he was Hungry and wanted a Tasty Snack, which turned out to be Bait. That's another thing with all of Chewbacca's Noise Making is why I Prefer to be with Worf if I was Forced to be Stranded to be a Planet. Again Nothing to do with Trek Fan the Main Reason with Chewbacca by the time that he was Finished Flailing His Arms Around and Making Noises I Probably would've already Popped that Potentially Poison Berry in my Mouth. But With Worf He'll Probably Knock that same said Berry out of my hands and Suggest that we Boil It after Calling me a Fool or Something. And Plus I just Genially Don't think that Chewbacca Smart Through Out The Trilogy. And I just Can't Believe it The Empire was Brought Down by a Whole Trib Of Teddy Bears Armed with Sticks and Rocks, while they are Armed With Space Guns and Two Legged Walking Tanks What!? And that's Not Taking Their Armor and Speeder Bikes and whatever else in hand.
Going back to Princess Leia for a Second I just don't get how she could remember her Birth Mother's. While Luke Skywalker her Brother and the One that was Borne First as shown in SWROTS can't remember his Brith Mother's Face at all? And hare's another thing if Princess Leia knew that Luke Skywalker was her Brother than why did she Kissed him in SWESB? As demonstrated by her Comment in this film that She Knew it She Knew All Along She Could Somehow 'Feel' it through the 'Force' no doubt. And I just don't see how Luke Skywalker could See that Darth Vader Still Had 'Good' in him, to me he's already Given Up on his Good Side as Soon as He Started Slaughtering All of those Sand People that Held His Mother Captive in SWTCW and it Got worse as the Movies went on and I guess that also includes SWTCW too. And Not Only that he has Done A Lot of Bad Things to People that is Close to him and that doesn't include him wanting his son to Join Him the Dark side the Villin Side so they could Rule the Galaxy together as Father and Son. And judging from what I saw I just don't get the Hype and the Love for Bobba Fett as he doesn't come off all that BA or Cool to me. I guess I just needed to Watch the Dreaded and Much Hated Star Wars Christmas Special?
I just don't like that Obi-Wan Finally Told Luke Skywalker the Truth just after Luke Skywalker had already Discovered the Truth, through his Freshly Dead Mintor Yoda. All the while saying "Oh that's were you're wrong Luke Skywalker I was Telling the Truth in a way." Now going back to the Planet of the Teddy Bears and them Being Captured I just Don't get why didn't he Used the Force to Free Himself and his Friends from that Net, instead of waiting for the Teddy Bears with Sticks to Chop them all down? Unlike with the Other Two Films in he Trilogy there Literally was No Further Character Development Unless you Include Han and Princess Leia Admitting their Love to on another and Kissing? And Maybe Darth Vader Turning Good for No Apparent Reason. Then there's All of the Reading that I have to Read at The Beginning of Each Star Wars Movie Seriously if I wanted to Read I'd Read a Book or an eBook and Not the Novel that's on Screen. It's Like I want to Watch A Movie and Not Read a Novel on the Big Screen.
I just thing that All Star Wars Fans which is Pretty Much Everyone and their Grandmothers are Just Way Too Blind to All of these Flaws. As they Not Only Defend The Satr Wars Films this Original Trilogy Especially to High Heavens, but also to them Star Wars is the Coolest and the Only Religion. They Basically Worship it No Matter How Much They Whine And Complain about the IP they Still Worship it and Shell Out Money for it. And they Seem to Love to Attack Anyone who Talks Bad About it No Matter How Small that Bad Thing that was said about Star Wars is, Like a Pack Of Wolves. I just think that they are just way too Hardcore on the IP to the point of being Blind to the Flaws and is Afraid to Leave it. If they're that Unsatisfied with the Star Wars IP. And on that Note the IP itself Feels like One Giant Toy Commercial as everything in Star Wars was Made to Sell Toys, the Ewoks are a Good Example of that Other Wise Everyone wouldn't be Referring as Tedy Bears with Sticks and Stones.
And as for me I Feel that I'm Constantly On This Rollercoaster Ride of a Fandom with this IP as at Some Times I Feel like the Films are Completely Unwatchable but other times I could Just Tolerate Enough of it to Watch it. It's the Only IP that I'm like this with it's kind of a Nightmare. Currently I'm Off by the way. And That should do it for the Cons unless I'm forgetting anything Else.
The Pros= I think the Best thing and the thing that keeps from Leaving for Good is All of the Lightsaber Fights and that's Basically it. I guess the other reasons that keeps on bring me back sort of is Not Only Yoda Himself but also his Very Wise Words of "Do Or Do Not There Is No Try" as I Feel that one Could Apply that In Our Every Day Lives. And his Death Scene in this film was Kind Of Nice and Could Be Heartwarming for The Hardcore Fans that I was talking about earlier. And I Also Admit that the Closing Celebration Scene maybe Goofy and Silly and Childish and all of that but I also couldn't Help but think that it was Deserfved, and not only that but I also Feel that's a Good Bookend for the IP. Especially for the Special Edition Version or whatever it's called. I just Loved Seeing the Emperor Brutally Electrocuted Luke Skywalker for Multipool of Reasons. And even though I didn't think that made any sense but I do seeing Darth Vader the Supposed Most Terrifying and The Most BA Villain of All of Movies Preforming a Noble Act, and Costing him Because of it was Nice to See.
That Speeder Bike Chase through the woods was Kind Of Fun to watch, now moving on to Both of the Theme Song and March Theme I admit they are Both Iconic and Kind Of Fun to Listen to. And I think one of the Best Scenes or at least one of my Persona Favorites Out of this Original Trilogy aside from all of the Lightsaber Fights was the Twin Sun Scene on Luke Skywalker's Home Planet in SWANH. As it had this kind of Calm Mood to it, but Opposite End Considering how I Personal Feel about C3PO it was so Satisfying in a Strange way to See Him Being Blasted to Bits in SWTESB. But on the Flip Side I do Like R2D2 Even if he's Frequently Referred to as a Trash Can On Wheels just wished he could Speak English. Okay you could Start Force Chocking Me Now. And that should do it for the Cons for now Unless I'm Forgetting anything Else.
anselmdaniel - 16 April 2024 A satisfying conclusion This review contains spoilers.
The Return of the Jedi is episode six of the Star Wars saga. This movie is the sequel to 1980's The Empire Strikes Back and marks the concluding movie to the original trilogy. The movie picks up one year after the events of The Empire Strikes Back. Luke Skywalker has completed his Jedi training. The remaining rebels have banded together in an attempt to destroy the Empire once and for all.
The Return of the Jedi is a weak entry in the Star Wars original trilogy. This is still a good movie and conclusion to the original trilogy. The movie fully realizes the conclusion to Luke Skywalker's character arc by having him redeem his father in Lord Vader. This character arc can be strange to watch as Luke seemingly abandons any logic in an attempt to save his father from the dark side. I still liked this story and its conclusion.
All the familiar characters from, the previous two movies return here. Like Luke they have satisfying conclusions to their characters. Han Solo's romance with Princess Leia reaches its conclusion. The main focus is still on Luke Skywalker's story arc.
The movie itself is shot well, with the overall cinematography at a good standard. The sound design is at a high standard here. The soundtrack is nice with the highlight being Luke Skywalker's duel with Darth Vader.
There are elements of the story that do not make sense. I enjoyed the character of the emperor but his creation of a second Death Star is a horrible rehash of the first part of the original trilogy. The entire movie leads up to the confrontation on the second Death Star and Endor. It is the confrontation that leaves much to be desired. The movie could have been more creative.
Even with the minor flaws, I still recommend Star Wars: Episode VI - The Return of the Jedi.