The extraordinary true story of eccentric British artist Louis Wain, whose playful, sometimes even psychedelic pictures helped to transform the public's perception of cats forever.
yowbanana - 2 May 2024 Really? Since I love Sherlock & Doctor Strange so much, I try to watch other Cumberbatch's works. I'm not British, so I only watch his screen works. This movie makes me wondering who the f* is in charge in giving the role to him. Who's on earth would think that Cumberbatch can get any awards by portraying a cat lover artist? Who would believe that Claire Foy is 10 years older than him? Then there's a scene when older version of Louis Wain like dancing (if that's what called) and I just can't watch it. I'm crying seeing how cringe it was. I gave 3 for Claire, Andrea and good visual effects.
Benedict, please wake up and do something else like TTSP or STITD 🙏
toadercosminandrei - 12 April 2023 Hit me hard This movie hit me like a truck
Because since I was a child I was obsessed whit cats and i am also dealing whit some mental issues
No i am not going insane like Louis (for now)
But we are similar we both had trauma as kids (mine comes from school because of my teacher) and we like cats .
I really liked the parts where it became a painting the editing is amazing
This movie almost made me cry which not even titanic did
Completely unrelated the 3rd generation of my cats has been born a couple weeks ago
I adopted a cat from a church whit gave birth to some kittens , one of them looked alot like peter from the movie , and one of those kittens now cat gave birth to 3 beautifull kittens.