Our Father

After a woman's at-home DNA test reveals multiple half-siblings, she discovers a shocking scheme involving donor sperm and a popular fertility doctor.

  • Released: 2022-05-11
  • Runtime: 97 minutes
  • Genre: Crime, Documentaries
  • Stars: Donald Cline, Jacoba Ballard, Angela Ganote, Kylene Gott, Julie Harmon, Jason Hyatt, Matt White, Heather Woock, Dianna Kiesler, Liz White, Keith Boyle, Leslie Koch Foumberg, Lea Roman, Simone-Elise Girard
  • Director: Lucie Jourdan
  • melshagreene - 30 June 2023
    It is not that the movie was not good. It was
    The lead "Sibling" was annoying. I am sorry, I know that you guys will get mad at me but I have to say it. She was miserable so she wanted to rally together all of the siblings and parents and make them miserable too. The sibling should stop lingering on the DNA website and ruining people's lives! That should be illegal.

    This Dr was wrong! I do not agree with him at all! He should have given them a choice. (they more than likely signed a blanket consent form that allowed him to use any sperm) BUT HE SHOULD HAVE TOLD THEM! And those poor Dads :(. The damage is irreversible! At the end, the twin story broke my heart. :(
  • nnebbia - 25 August 2022
    Just another reason i cancelled Netflix
    Headline says it all. The show, yes a show, because thats what it was, manages to tie in social rhetoric that has nothing to do with the supposed intended content. This was also in the documentary genre. It should be in the maury povich genre. Another loser for Netflix.