The Mean One

The Mean One

The Mean One is a hairy, green-skinned grump in a Santa suit, living on a mountain high above the town of Newville, despising the holiday season. Young Cindy You-Know-Who, whose parents were butchered by The Mean One twenty Christmases earlier, is returning to town to seek closure… but is about to discover that this fiend with a heart two sizes to small is still quite eager to carve the roast beast.

  • Released: 2022-12-09
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Horror
  • Stars: David Howard Thornton, Krystle Martin, Chase Mullins, John Bigham, Flip Kobler, Amy Schumacher, Stephanie Bates, Robert DiTillio
  • Director: Steven LaMorte
  • saint_brett - 25 May 2024
    Rated G for Garbage
    Is this Dr. Seuss public property now, like Mickey Mouse and Pooh Bear? So as soon as they fall into the hands of the public, do we have to degrade them as violent-tempered serial killers?

    The movie starts out with a home invasion as Santa ransacks a family's stash while enticing a little girl. The mother's paternal instincts to protect her brood kick in, and she locks horns with Saint Nick, and they go hammer and tong. He's clobbered with an oversized German Nutcracker; she's impaled by the Nutcrackers staff.

    This all unfolds in front of the little girl, who then labels Santa devious, so he's no longer the loveable, chubby face of Coca-Cola anymore.

    I bet this movie was designed by those left-wing hypocrites, of non-Christian variety, in Hollywood still trying to destabilize the conservative establishment. It's revolting that entertainment today has been hijacked by activists. They're led up by The Nanny and go on strike, wanting more money to produce rubbish like this general garbage. The standards have declined and dropped over the last 20 years, yet they want more.

    What looks like Jennifer Capriati and Malcolm McDowell return to the house where her mother was robbed and killed by Santa Claus some twenty years ago.

    This dysfunctional McDowell guy is overacting his role, trying too hard to be funny, but just comes across as a pretentious, annoying so and so. Never mind; they just wrote him out of the script.

    Wow, they have to green screen two fish swimming around in a bowl.

    You're turning stale by the minute, movie.

    Hmm, her father just died, yet here she is off mountain climbing and smiling from ear to ear the next day.

    Look at Hollywood mocking tradition. They wouldn't have dared do this back in the 1950s.

    That entire roadside diner scene wasn't even intriguing. And this Grinch killer isn't even menacing or inspiring. Its origins aren't even explained either. This amateur garbage is every bit the indie film it aimed for. The actors and storyline are putrid and have about as much appeal as Paris Hilton's music career. I was going to say a hundred-dollar turkey for sale with an expiration date good for yesterday in my analogy, but is Paris Hilton any better than an out-of-date turkey?

    The Grinch just dismembered a chef in a diner, and it's just cheap shock value, not even filmed well. He then kills the mayor in the trunk of a car that lacks any creativity.

    Boy has this movie backfired for all involved and been presented in cheap form. Great DVD cover, but lousy, amateurish outcome filmed so cheaply with Windows '97 video editing equipment.

    Hollywood's incompetence is on full display with another poorly thought-out, lackluster presentation here.

    Go to the one-hour, eight-minute mark with this woeful writing in lyrical verse. "Dashing through the snow, something about a sleigh, Oreo's don't go, laughing all the way. Bells on Bobby-Bob. Bobby Bobby Bobby-Bob." Was that supposed to be funny? Do you think you're Ben Stiller or something?

    This is what the writers at SAG-AFTRA went on strike for, and they want more money for it?

    I don't go to the cinema anymore, and I hardly buy physical media any longer, as I'm not paying for the privilege to be insulted and humiliated by the current crop left in charge of the Hollywood entertainment industry today. I borrowed this movie from the library yesterday and raced it straight back first thing this morning.

    It's unforgiveable what Hollywood is doing to film today with their hidden agendas. You're all incompetent movie makers today who direct nothing but straight to DVD subpar trash that should only be released on Betamax.

    Honestly, I don't know who greenlights this crap to be released to the general public. They're obviously failing in their positions to protect the public as well.

    If this is supposed to be a comedy, I haven't laughed once. And if it's supposed to be a horror movie, it's not even scary with this hairy green eggs and ham Muppet.

    What looks like Amy Schumer and Michael Caton rage war on the Grinch at the end, similar to how Laurie Strode built a fortress out of her house, but their plan is foiled and they make mistakes like bumbling fools. Wow, candy cane firearms! Aren't we clever? Did SAG-AFTRA just earn their pay rise to come up with that doozie?

    I bet they were laughing their asses off the entire time while filming this, thinking they were sneaky, snide, and clever, but little are they aware the joke's on them, as I expect low ratings on this movie when I check IMDb. I see there are a lot of fake 10/10 reviews from the cast and crew written online.

    I'll award it one point for being clearer than that 'Pet Cematary: Bloodlines' garbage I watched last night.

    Wherever they got the actors from for this movie, send 'em back to the knackery they came from! Atrocious.

    All aspects of this movie are F.

    All acting: F.

    Story: F.

    Lines: F.

    Humor : F.

    Horror: F.

    Entertainment value: F.

    Interest: F.

    Re-watch value: as above.

    I guess the only good thing it had going for it, and the viewer, was that it was short in running time.

    Go to hell with this garbage!
  • LetsReviewThat26 - 16 December 2023
    A nice holiday horror
    David Howard Thornton plays the mean one. I enjoyed his work as art the clown in terrifier, so it's nice to see him take his talents to another cha. He looked the part and though did not speak his expressions were enough. In this movie a young woman called Cindy, I assume her last name is probably boo or something returns to her home town of newville. After the Christmas massacre that took her mother twenty years prior she now wants to bury the hatchet and sort things out. Of course the CGI and the kills were not overally great. But very much appreciated. The acting in certain areas was lackluster but overall it was a nice holiday horror.