The Inventor

The insatiably curious and headstrong inventor Leonardo da Vinci leaves Italy to join the French court, where he can experiment freely, inventing flying contraptions, incredible machines, and study the human body. There, joined in his adventure by the audacious princess Marguerite, Leonardo will uncover the answer to the ultimate question – "What is the meaning of it all?"

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 99 minutes
  • Genre: Animation, Drama, Family
  • Stars: Stephen Fry, Marion Cotillard, Daisy Ridley, Matt Berry
  • Director: Jim Capobianco, Pierre-Luc Granjon
  • calahao - 30 March 2024
    Unafraid to delve
    Showcasing the later years of Da Vinci's life - a period that is relatively poorly known and ample for speculation - this movie is an honest attempt to be historically accurate while still being enjoyable for kids. It is definitely not afraid to handle mature topics, like religion being used for power or Leonardo dissecting and procuring corpses. One can argue this makes a somewhat tonally deaf movie, but it is well paced and written enough that it operates on the adult and juvenile with seamless ease.

    The animation is a wonderously charming stop motion, with 2D elements for Da Vinci's schemata and diagrams. A definite recommendation on my part.
  • dahlyons-2 - 18 September 2023
    Beautiful and stunning
    **Review: "The Inventor" - A Visual Symphony of Art and Life**

    The magic of cinema takes various shapes and forms, but few as mesmerizing as "The Inventor". The film is not only a love letter to Leonardo da Vinci's later years but also a masterpiece that combines the intricate art of stop motion animation with an emotionally captivating narrative.

    From the moment the movie begins, the audience is transported into a breathtakingly crafted world that is not only aesthetically awe-inspiring but also teeming with intricate details. Jim Capobianco, an Academy Award nominee, showcases his prowess by weaving a tapestry of rich, historical narrative that marries fact with fiction, transporting viewers directly to da Vinci's side as he navigates the courts of France, searching for life's meaning.

    Da Vinci, voiced by the inimitable Stephen Fry, is portrayed with such depth and gravitas that one could almost forget that they are listening to a voice and not actually sitting across from the genius himself. Fry's performance is both nuanced and powerful, infusing the film with an emotional anchor that draws the audience into Leonardo's world of innovation and introspection.

    Marion Cotillard, an Oscar winner, lends her voice to a character that complements and contrasts with da Vinci in a beautiful dance of words and emotions. Daisy Ridley and Matt Berry also shine in their respective roles, adding layers of complexity to this rich tapestry of characters.

    But the heart of the film lies in its visuals. Stop motion animation has long been an avenue for cinematic magic, but "The Inventor" elevates it to a new level. Each frame is a testament to countless hours of meticulous work, creating a fluidity of motion that is so lifelike it's staggering. The film's palette, drenched in the warm hues of the Renaissance, only serves to further its beauty, making each scene a work of art in and of itself.

    What's even more surprising is how accessible this seemingly adult-centric narrative is for younger audiences. My 8-year-old daughter was completely captivated by it, her eyes glued to the screen from start to finish. While I initially thought the subject might be a tad mature for her, the film seamlessly balances its complex themes with moments of levity and wonder, making it universally engaging.

    The underlying theme of the movie - the search for life's meaning - is one that resonates deeply. As Leonardo tinkers with flying contraptions, immerses himself in studies of the human body, and crafts machines that were far ahead of his time, we are left pondering our own journeys and our pursuits of purpose. The film doesn't just tell da Vinci's story; it challenges us to look inward and ask ourselves about our own passions and our quest for understanding.

    Moreover, the film's sound design and score cannot be ignored. The intricate layers of ambient sounds, from the rustling of papers to the distant chatter of courtiers, envelop you in a soundscape that's as detailed as the visuals. The score, sweeping and evocative, only adds another layer of depth to this masterpiece.

    In conclusion, "The Inventor" is not just a movie; it's an experience. It captures the essence of a man who was centuries ahead of his time, and it does so with grace, beauty, and heart. This is one of those rare films that not only entertains but also educates and inspires. Though it might not resonate with everyone in the same way, it was undeniably a pinnacle of entertainment for me. I'd watch it again and again, relishing in its details, pondering its questions, and simply basking in its visual splendor. Jim Capobianco's "The Inventor" is, without doubt, a cinematic triumph.