Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs

Roy Freeman, who is undergoing a cutting-edge Alzheimer’s treatment, is forced to grapple with the impact of an investigation from his former life after a death row inmate that Freeman arrested 10 years prior starts to proclaim his innocence. Intrigued and fighting to regain his memory, Freeman enlists his former partner to help him revive the case and discover the truth. Together, they set off to unravel a tangled web of secrets, forcing Freeman to make some horrific discoveries.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 110 minutes
  • Genre: Drama, Thrillers
  • Stars: Karen Gillan, Thomas M. Wright, Harry Greenwood, Russell Crowe, Marton Csokas, Tommy Flanagan, Elizabeth Blackmore, Lynn Gilmartin, Jane Harber, Ming-Zhu Hii, Lucy-Rose Leonard, Pacharo Mzembe, Simon Maiden, Paula Arundell, Jasper Bagg, Cameron Leonard
  • Director: Adam Cooper
  • eslammounir14 - 29 June 2024
    Welcome back russle
    I have watched films for almost thirty years, since the beginning of the nineties, and I still do not know why good films always have criticism, comments, and opinions that are equally negative... This is one of Russell Crowe's greatest films in a long time. This is not the first time. I have made sure that the comments here are not the criterion for analysis. Or watching the movie... the events are interconnected smoothly without making you bored for a single moment, and his acting till the ending scene really make me not completely regret watching it and evaluating it as one of the best films in cinema.
  • azcbradley - 24 May 2024
    A Must Watch
    Without russell crowe this movie plot would not have been as good as it was. Anything with russell crowe just makes me want to watch it. He is such an astounding actor. This movie kept me on the edge wanting to find out what was going to happen next. I wasn't prepared for the ending though, a def must watch if you are a russell crowe fan. The story plot was very enticing and made me even want to make sure that I came and wrote a review about it. This film doesn't get enough credit in my eyes. IF you are into thrillers, crimes, mystery type of movies then this is the movie for you. Be prepared for 2 hours of thrill.