The Devil Conspiracy

The Devil Conspiracy

The hottest biotech company in the world has discovered they can clone history’s most influential people from the dead. Now, they are auctioning clones of Michelangelo, Galileo, Vivaldi, and others for tens of millions of dollars to the world’s ultra-rich. But when they steal the Shroud of Turin and clone the DNA of Jesus Christ, all hell breaks loose.

  • Released: 2023-01-13
  • Runtime: 105 minutes
  • Genre: Horror, Thrillers
  • Stars: Peter Mensah, Victoria Chilap, Alice Orr-Ewing, Eveline Hall, Spencer Wilding, Wendy Rosas, Natalia Germani, Pavel Kříž, Brian Caspe, Jiří Valeš
  • Director: Nathan Frankowski
  • Victor_Fallon - 26 April 2024
    CGI snoozer.
    An over-the-top fantasy full prophecies, cults, priests and heavenly beings who want the Shroud of McGuffin because it's in the script. Sounds fun! The acting is silly, but everyone acts in the same pantomime fashion, so tonally it's fairly even. Sadly, the tone is not horror or sci-fi, as the genre tags would suggest. It's just a bland thriller, but the bad guys have horns.

    After 20 minutes you realise the movie is taking itself seriously and has no intention of having any fun whatsoever. Everyone is humourless, all the time. The overly-dramatic soundtrack (stock orchestral nonsense) never lets up. It's simply irritating - constantly insisting that whatever is happening is super important and emotional. It isn't.

    Visually, it's an underlit digital mess. They seem to have bought every After Effects plugin, chucked them all on screen and then turned the brightness down from sheer embarrassment. Besides the unsightly visuals, we have appalling sound design - heavily compressed, muddy, piercing sound effects with ear-splitting eq, far too much bass on absolutely everything, etc. Again, death by a thousand software plugins.

    It's boring, glum, and pompous.
  • Howling_at_the_Moon_Reviews - 28 August 2023
    A little goes a long way (or 5M... lol)
    I mean, whatever guys... this was a solid movie. Reading some of the reviews after viewing this and I see a bunch of hyper critical people who refuse to have an enjoyable time apparently. Was there some silliness? Some bad acting? Some poor dialogue? Sure. But there was also some good acting, a super original and captivating plot, some surprisingly cool visuals and special effects, and a general overall entertainment value that I was not expecting.

    The experience in total was a surprise... I don't know what I thought I was sitting down to watch, but it wasn't this... and I appreciated that. I think this is quite impressive for not being a big Hollywood blockbuster and it certainly deserves a higher rating than its current 4.5. I give it a 7.5 rounding down to a 7. Would recommend.